Why take a class?

I learned so much!

I started weaving with Carla when I knew nothing about the craft and now I can make beautiful scarves!


Loom & Needle


I started weaving with Carla when I knew nothing about the craft and now I can make beautiful scarves!

Carla never runs out of creative ideas!!

Her instructions are crystal clear. Even if you don't understand it, she will try to explain it in many other ways until you get it. Her funny and caring personality makes her classes a relaxing place to spend my day with weaving friends.

jennifer c.

Loom & Needle

jennifer c.

Her instructions are crystal clear. Even if you don't understand it, she will try to explain it in many other ways until you get it. Her funny and caring personality makes her classes a relaxing place to spend my day with weaving friends.

You’ll leave craving more

You might sign up for a class, curious, ready to try something new, but you'll leave craving more. Carla's knowledge and enthusiasm for weaving, color, texture, and pattern design will keep you motivated and fills that desire for more. You may think you could never put together colors like that, but with patience and Carla's guidance, you'll find your own sense of color and what gets you excited.


Loom & Needle


You might sign up for a class, curious, ready to try something new, but you'll leave craving more. Carla's knowledge and enthusiasm for weaving, color, texture, and pattern design will keep you motivated and fills that desire for more. You may think you could never put together colors like that, but with patience and Carla's guidance, you'll find your own sense of color and what gets you excited.
Loom & Needle
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Art is something that makes you breathe with a different type of happiness.

Anni Albers

Loom & Needle

Anni Albers

Art is something that makes you breathe with a different type of happiness.

We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own 'to do' list.

Michelle Obama

Loom & Needle

Michelle Obama

We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own 'to do' list.

Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own.

Michelle Obama

Loom & Needle

Michelle Obama

Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own.

Love is the only force that can heal the world, laughter is a gateway to love, and silliness is a short-cut to laughter.

Tom Rosshirt

Loom & Needle

Tom Rosshirt

Love is the only force that can heal the world, laughter is a gateway to love, and silliness is a short-cut to laughter.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

Albert Einstein

Loom & Needle

Albert Einstein

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

An artist can go off into the private world they create, and maybe not be so good at finding the way out again. This could be one reason I've always been grateful for having a family and doing housework, and the stupid ordinary stuff that has to be done that you cannot let go.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Loom & Needle

Ursula K. Le Guin

An artist can go off into the private world they create, and maybe not be so good at finding the way out again. This could be one reason I've always been grateful for having a family and doing housework, and the stupid ordinary stuff that has to be done that you cannot let go.

Just Keep Swimming!

Dory, Finding Nemo

Loom & Needle

Dory, Finding Nemo

Just Keep Swimming!

Creating is the most intense excitement one can come to know.

Anni Albers

Loom & Needle

Anni Albers

Creating is the most intense excitement one can come to know.

Normal is a setting on a dryer.

Anne Lamotte

Loom & Needle

Anne Lamotte

Normal is a setting on a dryer.

The conscientious designer, does not himself design at all but rather give the object-to-be a chance to design itself.

Anni Albers, 1958

Loom & Needle

Anni Albers, 1958

The conscientious designer, does not himself design at all but rather give the object-to-be a chance to design itself.

So little to do, so much time.

Willy Wonka

Loom & Needle

Willy Wonka

So little to do, so much time.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.

Anaïs Nin

Loom & Needle

Anaïs Nin

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.

Creative people don't have a mess, they have ideas lying around everywhere.


Loom & Needle


Creative people don't have a mess, they have ideas lying around everywhere.
Loom & Needle
Copyright © 2024 | loom & needle | carla jeanne hubbart